Our mission is to ignite positive community change by transforming neighborhoods and empowering individuals. We strive to heal families, uphold community values, and restore our neighborhoods into safe and healthy environments.
POPA was founded on the principles of being our brother's keeper, and realizing that we are all brothers. POPA is the vision of founder Larry Collins. Mr. Collins is himself a product of the same community that he works tirelessly to improve. He has personal experience battling some of the same challenges that have consumed others in his community, and uses his expertise and strategies of overcoming and helping others to create the community that we all envision.
His motto is "Stop pointing a finger and lend a hand" and clearly promotes his vision of those who have won the battles returning to fight along side of those who still struggle.
Meet our board
Larry Collins received the Mayor's Spirit of Portland Award for his remarkable transformation from a former drug dealer to a dedicated community activist. Despite his troubled past, Larry recognized the harm caused by addiction and made a conscious decision to turn his life around.
As the founder and president of People Of Purpose and Associates (POPA), Larry has spearheaded numerous initiatives to rebuild and uplift his community. From organizing neighborhood clean-ups to providing free community lunches and concerts, Larry's tireless efforts embody POPA's motto: "stop pointing a finger and lend a hand." His commitment to progress and his willingness to actively engage in community improvement make him a truly deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Larry Collins
Larry Collins, president of the board of People of Purpose and Associates (POPA), created POPA with a vision to reach, touch, and positively affect the lives of the people in our communities, one life at a time.
Wendy Collins
Wendy Collins was born and raised in the northwest. Wendy loves Oregon for its beautiful and vibrant colors. She has been a pillar of the community. She loves her family and her friends. Wendy is looking forward to working with POPA and seeing how we can make our cities beautiful again. She enjoys fishing as a hobby.

Malcom Ricks
Owner of Safe transportation
"Philly" Jeff Shindell
Jeff was born and raised in West Philadelphia. He was a latchkey kid, grew up in a single parent household, and was independent-minded from an early age. His first influences were his Mother and Grandmother. Some of the things that were modeled early on in his life were the importance of an education, being of service to others, speaking truth to power, hard work, and never giving up no matter what. Even through the struggles of life, the ups, downs, and in-betweens, Jeff has always taken time to give back to others in whatever community he was part of, and in all aspects of life. He has a Graduate Degree in International Policy Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Global Studies from the California State University Monterey Bay. He has lived overseas in Australia and Brasil, visited numerous other countries, and has traveled extensively across the United States. Through his educational, life, and work background, Jeff has experience in administration, culinary arts, education, events planning/organizing, hospitality/tourism, music, public relations, and volunteerism. His ties and connections are deep and far-reaching throughout the global community. He currently makes his home in SE Portland, works with youth 16-24 years-old who are transitioning into the local workforce, and gives his time to various community-based organizations in the Greater Portland Metro Area.

Earl Chaney